Molchanovs Freediving

WAVE 2 “Intermediate Free Diver” License Course

This is a competition-oriented intermediate course that challenges you to dive without fins. The course aims for a maximum depth of 24-30m and teaches the fundamentals of freefall and CNF (no fin), with a goal of holding breath for 3 minutes and 70m horizontal dive. The course can be completed in 3-4 days and is ideal for those who want to broaden their skills and compete at a competitive level. The excitement of pushing the limits awaits you!

Molchanovs Freediving Wave 2 (Molchanovs Freediving Wave 2) is a course for more advanced divers who are ready to move on after learning the basics of freediving. This course is where those who have completed Wave 1 learn skills that will enable them to dive deeper, essentially including techniques for holding their breath for longer periods of time and diving deeper.

The main content learned in Wave 2 is as follows

Deep diving techniques: While Wave 1 focused on diving in shallow water, Wave 2 teaches techniques for deeper dives. For example, you will learn how to manage your breathing in deep water and how to use your body when diving.
Deeper breathing: In freediving, it is important to breathe in a relaxed state, and in Wave 2, you will learn how to make your “deep breaths” or “breath-hold times” longer. This allows you to stay underwater for longer periods of time.
Pre- and post-dive care: Since deep diving places a greater burden on the body, you will also learn how to take care of your physical condition, stretch, and recover before and after diving.
Mental Strength: Mental strength is required to keep holding your breath in deep water, and in Wave 2, you will learn to focus on mental techniques for relaxing and keeping yourself calm.
Enhanced safety measures: Diving in deep water requires more advanced safety measures. You will learn how to work with your fellow divers, manage risk, and prevent accidents to make your dives safer.

This Wave 2 course is designed to help you enjoy freediving more deeply and improve your skills. It is ideal for those who have learned solid basics and want to take the next step.

Course duration 3-4 days
55,000 50,000 yen per person Further discount for multiple bookings and repeaters!